My name is Andreu Borràs, I’m from Sóller, in the heart of the Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca), and I work professionally as a mountain guide in the Balearic Islands, the Pyrenees, and Nepal.

Specialized Hiking Guide in Mallorca
I specialize in hiking for tourists in Mallorca. During the peak seasons of spring and autumn, you’ll find me guiding in our beautiful Serra de Tramuntana, a perfect destination for nature lovers.

Hiking for all levels in Mallorca
I offer everything from family or cultural hikes at the foot of the Tramuntana, to advanced hiking on any peak in Mallorca, trail running routes, multi-day treks, and sunset hikes with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean. There’s something for everyone!

Over 10 years of experience in mountain guiding
With over 10 years of experience in hiking, mountaineering, and trail running competitions both in Mallorca and abroad, I can help you organize your hiking or trekking trips around the world. I can also assist with training for mountain running competitions.

Professional training and safety first
I’ve trained to offer the best service to my clients. I hold a degree in Geography (UIB), I’m a Level 2 Mountain Sports Technician (TD2), and have a University Expert Degree in Sports Nutrition (UIB). Additionally, I’m a member of the Spanish Association of Mountain Guides (AEGM n°1888) and registered as an Active Tourism Company in Mallorca (n° TA/105).

Languages for international communication
Catalan and Spanish are my native languages, but I also speak fluent English and German, making it easy to communicate with international tourists. Don’t hesitate to contact me for your next adventure in Mallorca!

ANDREU BORRÀS Hiking guide

Qualitat, enlloc de quantitat

El meu objectiu és oferir experiències úniques i personalitzades

La illa de Mallorca ens ofereix un ventall gairebé il·limitat de possibilitats, troba aqui l'activitat que més s'adapti a tu

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